Monday, June 30, 2008


回港後,心情有點怪怪的,開始討厭weekend之餘亦嘗試將weekend變成weekday咁過。甚至想每個weekend也不用在香港過。啲人一見你online就問: not going out? Saturday night wor,跟着我就會答: nowhere to go wor,然後佢哋就會話: you know many people,then我就dead咗同滴汗,唔啱wavelength,此對話就等如問一個病人點解病一樣,我要的可能是一個果籃和一支葡萄適,而唔喺俾人keep住問你點解肚痾,點解發燒。

一直有將個電話silence和清msn "friends"的習慣,現在甚至清facebook同phone book,電話唔聽,email唔覆,覺得生活裏太多junk,包括人在內。Junk人是世上最不環保的東西,既不能循環再造,又要存在獻世。





我只求生活有質素,隨心而行,不怕死,一些含junk量高的人和事,stay away。

若你覺得我的ego太大,fine,不夠大,在這裏生存只會被abuse,occasional selfishness and greed是OK的,只怕彼此的ego鬥大時,就不得了。

Sunday, June 29, 2008



要刮時 手勢是藝術

參差的 留低也是藝術

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Koh Samui - Chapter 2

一早起身,發現有太陽,便pack了行裝到resort外的沙灘走走。雖然沙灘不是很美,但勝在無人,係一個人影都無,變了個private beach。有趣的是,水退了約一百米,沙與水氹混在一起,也有些地方露出了乾珊瑚。

一面在看村上散文,一面灑太陽,用緊希臘品牌 KORRES 的+4太陽油,不錯。

Dear Travel Buddies,認得出相中左下角的東西嗎?

李安說每人心中有座斷背山,其實太概不知他說什麼,可能是指情義結吧,又或是一個抑壓隱藏秘密的地方。既然如此,我可說每人心中都有座IFC,或一個談泉興。而對我來說,我心中一直有所library。The Library和布吉的Aleenta一直是我想入住的酒店,但太貴吧,很肉痛的,於是便於下午去了一趟「圖書館」吃lunch。

一入到酒店,就等如入了本Wallpaper,房間不是用號碼,而是Page 1, Page 2, Page 3...作標記。

餐廳名字叫 The Page。

典型遊客區,略嫌不夠 private。在點了菜後,沙灘上來了兩個泰仔,問我紋唔紋身 (短期那種),其實有些心動,但最後打消了念頭。跟着又問我要唔要女,要唔要草,要唔要粉,我很有禮貌說NO了。

最愛那個 gym room和 library (within The Library)的 design。另外,那個紅色泳池也是型到爆,應深受親戚探訪的女仕歡迎。


The Library 沒有spa,要去隔離的 Is Spa,前名為Four Seasons,但因年多前Four Seasons酒店登陸Samui後改名。價錢偏貴,用料一般,加上櫃面的阿姐們是黑面的。

晚上去了另外一個酒店吃飯,Chi Sin!!! 又係無人的,但係就偏有隻山狗。


Koh Samui - Chapter 3
早上起來,陰天,看看書,上上網,吃一個永遠都吃不完的早餐,玩玩 apple TV,便一個上午。下午突然出太陽,懶得再出沙灘,於是便在房內洒洒,身型不見得人時,連個影個線條都有問題。

晚上吃個飯後,到了 Q Bar 一趟,此 bar 乃蘇梅 最受歡迎的蒲點,位於山上,但遠距離已經望到個Q字。有兩層,下層disco,正在裝修,上層有bar,有露台,可遠眺島上夜景 (其實是黑色一片)。

一‧在起飛和降落時拍手,有時香港人真的好白痴失禮,又不是搭United 93,拍乜手?你上地鐵開站到站會拍手嚒?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Koh Samui Chapter 4

第四天,resort的frontdesk突然12:58pm打給我,說一點至三點停電,一心留在房賣懶亦因而被迫取消。於是便要求司機車我去揼骨,途經了一直想去去的 Villa Nalinndadda,但因車行得快,不太肯定。
果然,真的是Villa Nalinndadda。

坐在餐廳裏,細心打量選什麼 spa items時,也趁有陽光,拍下照片。選 hotel/resort 和選另一半一樣,一是要型,一是要細心,兩者兼得亦屬上乘之選,但很罕有,布島的 Indigo Pearl 則是例子,而 Villa N 則屬細心型。


Villa N 只有八間房,房內設計一般,屬地中海白屋仔式,但size 太小,design 東西太大件,太多角,可能最貴的房會好些,但正在住客,不能入內參觀。說實也不是太貴,5800 Baht成交,另包spa item 一項。

四個小時的spa後,來了一杯 hot peppermint tea加 honey。技師十分細心,見我做完面膜有少許敏感,時常在晚飯時了解了解,而spa用的產品十分好,連Cameron Diaz和Rachel Weiz也是顧客之一。不要少看Villa N,這高檔民宿的spa和restaurant與眾五星酒店齊名。

點菜中,而 front desk staff 亦同時拿了個花球去給一對到這裏慶祝新婚2週年的(勁 rude) 韓裔夫婦。

蟹湯 - 8分。蟹肉鮮,而且十分紥實,仲有海鹽味,而湯雖清,但卻帶泰式香草的辛和甘,我未飲過這樣的蟹湯,很 surprised。

再來一個 surprise,廚師之後弄了個免費的 lemon sorbert 加 vodka,十分醒胃清涼,9分。

主菜:Seafood Platter 6.5分。一般般,沒甚驚喜,唯獨那個 wasabi mayonnaise 很好食。

一眼睇哂,front desk 就是 bar 枱,十分親民,那個女子英文說得十分好,樣子有點像袁彩雲,同時也看見廚房為自己泡菜。

吃完主菜後,還有點餓,廚師便介給了crab meat avocado,配 honey curry sauce,配得很好,但嫌牛油果和蕃茄不夠凍。 8分。

點品:Jasmine Cream Brulee,9分。十年前有人教曉了我吃cream brulee,那時是未裝修前的文華,吃後從此就愛上了。吃cream brulee除了味道,還要聽聽匙把上面焦糖弄破聲音,不夠嚮不夠脆則不行,不是有那幾款食物可以給你聽的。而custard和茉莉味混成一起,很特別,出面是吃不到的。



Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Single Traveller and Three Packs of Cigarettes

Well, this entry has to be (re)written in Chinese, but I don't have the writing pad here with me and I want to write it up now. So, that's it.

I've been thinking about smoking and travelling these days. It seems to me that their relationship is pretty intrinsic. What makes a person travel? Everybody travels for a different reason, for work, for leisure, to see something new, to forget something old. Or some people just travel for the sake of travelling. Going away in this case is already inside the travellers' blood.

Some may even say they travel for no particular reasons. It's also true though.

Now, let's go back to the reality: you could only bring in 60 cigarettes when you return to Hong Kong. I, of course as a habitual smoker, will buy 10 packs upon depature. And when I return, I could only (by law) bring back 3 (though every often I disobey the law, and honestly, laws are made to violate than to obey).

This means that I have to finish 7 packs in my trip. What if a traveller only goes out of town for 1 day. How is he supposed to smoke 7 packs in 1 day? Of course, you may say well, he has the choice not to buy any at the duty-free. True. But considering the reasonably low price of tabacco at the airport and the ridiculously over-priced ones out there in the market, a loyal and wise smoker will definitely buy some when they're at the borders.

Or maybe he has to discard some of the unsmoked cigarettes at his destination before he returns, in order not to get caught and penalized. Discarding things at the site of travelling always happens. How often we always bring stuff we don't really want at the home town and then discard them over there after use? And we always think there's not enough space in the suitcase and we don't really need them anymore. So, say goodbye to those disposable stuff. They're only disaposable when you travel, which means when you don't need to travel, they will always lurk in the shelf somewhere, waiting not to be used.

So, do I discard things this time? Well, I hope I have got rid of something in a metaphysical sense. But I'm not sure if I succeeded though. You won't know until you get back to your hometown and when your routine life resumes, you will know.

Though, I hope I did.

But, no matter what, those unsmoked cigarettes are by no means thrown away. For a smoker who risks bringing in more than 60 cigarettes upon immigration, the government should somehow reward them with a medal for the bravery. Do you think a person who plans to leave one day and still buys a full pack will still care about the law? It proves one thing though - he is a loyal smoking and regards smoking much more highly than obeying the law.

Even if someone is so stupid only to bring back 3 whole packs upon return, they will surely buy the taxed ones in the market after consumption. So, what's the point of enacting such a law? Addiction has been in all cultures for thousands of years - this cannot be changed.

What about a law that only allows returning travellers to bring back 30% of unhappy memories after travelling? This would definitely make HK a better place. But, you may ask, how could emotions be quantified? Cigarettes could, but the act joy of smoking couldn't. We buy cigarettes not because of the tabacco sticks themselves, but we buy also the moments of smoking. Cigarettes are not cigarettes if they're not smoked properly.

So, smokers returning from trips could be categorised as follows:

1. bring only 3 packs and 30% of unhappy memories
2. bring more than 3 packs and 30% of unhappy memories
3. bring only 3 packs and more than 30% of unhappy memories
4. bring more than 3 packs and more than 30% of unhappy memories

Which type are you?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The hanging seat at the lobby

Oh, well. 20 mins after checking in, I had my first accident - I broke the ashtray.

The pool of my villa

The toilet (but the tub is not really holding the water)

Resort restaurant, 4K (pronounced as Fork). I am the only guest there.

Dear Travel Buddies, here are my fringe benefits today:
1. A bottle of red wine from the CEO (Santa Alicia, 2006). Ah daam, is it good/average stuff?
2. 50% off on drinks and beverages. I should try champagne later. I didn't know until I signed the bill of my room service!
Things to expect tomorrow:
1. Perhaps sunrise
2. In-room breakfast (the breakfast menu is better than the dinner one)
3. Perhaps lunch at The Library (
4. Meeting the CEO, perhaps
5. Going to town to hunt for (bargain) skincare products

Saturday, June 21, 2008


大約十年前的這段時間,開始了人生的一個新階段。是黃金,還是鑊甘,嗯,一半半。其實不是太在意在這裏下分水嶺,只是我不介意缺一門之餘,也銳意做清一色,一週大概八成時間是OK的,餘下的兩成就間中發吓癲。假若我有一百歲命,難過的廿年也應該走了,剩下的八十光景年頭,everything will be OK! 正等如今朝見老dean,佢有佢講,我有我抝,五句起已經知道是多餘,嘥氣嘅嘢唔會再做,因為要討好自己。

話我知 每個愛人教我愛情學會麼
話我知 抱過愛人吻過愛人有幾多
如若一百歲我會找到他 已不錯

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

The L Word

讀書時期,同學們瘋了的湧去考SAT,我的反應是:I don't give a shit,因為明知自己無機會去國留學,考來幹嚒?

數年後的今日,朋友們瘋了的湧去看SATC (Sex and the City),談論着 double L,要 Label 同 Love,我不得不give a shit,至少我正寫着一篇關於它的博客文章。

Label and Love 或 Love and Label,排位非重點,眼光應放在連接詞 and 身上,示意兩者兼得,享齊人之福。

同時間,亦顯示出 Label 和 Love 對現代潮人的重要性。Label 乃身外物,發於面亦留於面,但我們其實已經重物多過重人,每日想着要買的東西多於想着身邊的人,食飯不小心的把菜汁滴到衣服上便來個婉惜和心痛,還要向世界訴苦。我們已不知不覺地把自己的感情注入消費品上,起碼當真感情痛失時,還有多多的第二最愛撐一撐自己。

Want Label and Love,若 Label 和 Love 可以滿足無窮無盡的want時,同時亦告訴我們它們的可棄掉特性。舊的 Samsung 可用新的 3G iPhone 代替,用完這支 eye cream 後便密謀試買下一個新品牌,一樣新的東西,表示它一定有天會變舊,而變舊亦暗示着可以用更新的東西代替,Love 亦一樣,歌詞亦有云:那次偶遇你不愛,我不愛,他會愛。Label 和 Love 被 wanted,因為它/他們有滿足感,disposable,consumable。我們便是 consumer,buyer,lover,disposer and de-lover。

I want Label and Love,萬念由此起。「我要」的概念一日出現近百次,早上我要飲咖啡,食早餐,上班要人醒目,人家也要我看着deadline做人,放工要 happy hour,約朋友吃吃飯,減減壓,晚上要早瞓。一個我字,延伸出無限的可能性和可要品。越得不到便起想要,人的 ego 便越來越大,可能 Label and Love 只是Carrie 的 double L 其中兩個例子,真正的 double L 應該是 Lots and Lots。

Ego 越大,自我越澎脹,以文章以本人自身和觀察為出發點,或許土點說便通了,越想要是因為曾經失去過,兩個L不如一個L -- Let。Let it be,所有LG,試試 Let Go,生活就應舒適點,自在點。

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


近來工作鬆了點,有時會懷疑是否需要一個旅行,但今日又遇到一班討債的土匪,旅行非去不可。多點空間,希望眼睛可以看遠一點。有人問,一個人去不悶嚒?我也有想過,但有時我好自由,又有什麼不好?反正在香港又是大部分時候自己一個啦,有乜分別?能克服自己一個去唱K的尷尬,就沒什麽好怕了,我反而害怕見到青蛙,resort d嘢唔好食,驚炎蛇,驚被蚊叮多些。

有時,我把電話嚮聲關掉,有時,又成日check住有無missed calls。
有時,收埋自己,又有時club hopping。


Friday, June 06, 2008


Disc 2
1. 每天愛你多一些 (hint: 唔係張學友)
2. 日落日出
3. 對不起,我愛你
4. 對你愛不完
5. 深深深
6. 深愛的你
7. 少年國
8. 各自各精采
10. 最愛的妳
11. 現代愛情故事
12. 無根草
13. 讓昨天歸於昨天
14. 刻骨的愛
15. 我不愛誰愛你 (CR II DJs)

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

老積 Lucy

想看卡斯柏王子原因只有一個,就是捧 Lucy 場,小伊人名Georgie Henley,在第一集中演技老鍊,表情多多,但純真下掩藏着假正經,為了甜品,就隨意地跟了鹿精 Mr. Thomas 返屋企。數年後,長大了不少,想也不能再看到那副老積的臉了。
我的 Sexist Neighbour

近日喺Parking Wars遇上了一個sexist,他便是我的「鄰居」 Ernine。

一直留意咗佢街一陣子,發覺逢illegal parking 的勢必無事。於是我在買了雪糕車無耐後,便得車拍到他街上,一來以為安全,二來可以利誘些 illegal parkers,然後我再用tow car ticket 佢哋,所以我作出了以一個陣式: ice cream care (legal parking), car A (illegal parking), car B (illegal parking)。

豈料翌日起身,收到佢兩張牛肉乾,火都嚟埋,佢ticket咗我都算,剩餘四個parking space 俾條女全部 illegal parking,仲食埋我架雪糕車的小甜頭。


若想見此 sexist 的面目,只須 search by user name,張相有個馬利奥捧住兩粒個頭咁大嘅珍寶珠是也。

Sunday, June 01, 2008

是日乃晉仔和POLO的生日派對,初次拜會後還懈逅了很多有趣的小狗(和大狗),也了解到friends with money的寵物是用Aesop的animal line洗白白的。

本週慳錢家族的代表作:Moet 香檳乙支 (at Diesel party) 及 shu umera 手巾乙條 (at Sogo)。