Tuesday, May 29, 2007

多謝 Leon 從英國幫我買了兩件寶物,一是 Billy Elliot Musical 的 Original Soundtrack。始終沒有機會親身看這表演,有張CD當是補償吧。另外是之前朋友介紹的書: Fernando Pessoa's The Book of Disquiet,書中有很多 entries ,全部都是關於 existentialism,所以矛盾得很,翻開自己生日的那個 entry (No. 23),是這樣的 (Is it very ME?):
Let's act like sphinxes, however falsely, until we reach the point of no longer knowing who we are. For we are, in fact, false sphinxes, with no idea of what we are in reality. The only way to be in agreement with life is to disagree with ourselves. Absurdity is divine.
Let's develop theories, patiently and honestly thinking them out, in order to promptly act against them - acting and justifying our actions with new theories that condemn them. Let's cut a path in life and then go immediately against that path. Let's adopt all the poses and gestures of something we aren't and don't wish to be, and don't even wish to be taken for being.
Let's buy books so as not to read them; let's go to concerts without caring to hear the music or to see who's there; let's take long walks because we're sick of walking; and let's spend whole days in the country, just because it bores us.


因為在Montreal的姑姐回來了,所以要出去應酬應酬,他們昨天已經過了大海,今晚也在陸羽食飯,然後又到 IFC飲嘢,之後直落到橋底辣蟹,成四點先番到屋企。枱面放咗三隻大蟹,三隻有前臂那麽長的有膏瀨尿蝦,N支青島啤,幾包煙,吹吹水,又一晚了。原來老竇是用左手揸煙,我是用右手,一個大陸,一個台灣,怪不知談不來吧。哈!

今屆康城有很多自己喜愛的電影人,高安兄弟一向都是最愛,黑色幽默只有他們和 Woody Allen拍得好看,看了 The Man Who Wasn't There 後,便愛上了 Billy Bob Thorton ,一部黑白片可以這麽美麗。另外也期待張震加金基德。很高興 Gus Van Sant 贏了那個六十週年大獎,這個 director 沒有人真的談論過,最多學術文章還是放在N年前的 masterpiece: My Own Private Idaho身上,往後的商業片很商業,但很有趣,我一向覺得 Robert Williams 和 Sean Connery 在 Good Will Hunting Finding Forrester 是攣的,導演之後回歸獨立電影,有 Matt Damon主演的 Gerry, 和近期的 Elephant The Last Days。拍得手法很新,每齣戲也有人死,可以做PhD的 subject matter,但可惜香港根本不會上 Paranoid Park,只好等 DVD。而今年最佳導演是 Julian Schnabel (The Diving Bell and the Butterfly),名字很熟,查一查 database ,原來他就是 Before Night Falls (2000) 導演,此片也是我心頭愛,鏡頭和美指也很王家衛,故事講及一個古巴裔同性戀詩人被政府打壓。 Before Night Falls 嬴得2000年威尼斯影展的 Grand Special Jury Prize,男主角也被提名當年 Oscar,最終輸了俾 American Beauty 的 Kevin Spacey。值得一提就是在 Before Night Falls 中,Johnny Depp (special appearance) 有三分鐘 cross-dress 演出。See the clip here: http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZCqPdjemMPk