Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Quotes of the Day

It's from a beautiful novel I am reading written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez called Memories of My Melancholy Whores:

"I never forgot her somber look as we were eating: Why were you so old when we met? I answered with the truth: Age isn't how old you are but how old you feel."

"Sex is the consolation you have when you can't have love."

My Ex-file

I want to file a record on my ex-es because of several reasons:
(1) I want to remind myself of their existence;
(2) I want them to remind themselves of my existence in their lives (if they have a chance to read this blog);
(3) I want to have a more tidy account on the reasons of breaking up, hopefully to know more about myself;
(4) I want to know why I fell in love with each of them;
(5) I want the people who want to know me more to read this instead of asking me all the time;
(6) Finally, I want to declare that I have loved each of them, seriously.

Okay, let's start.
Reasons of breaking up:
1st (Sept 1998) - He was not as passionate as he was when he first knew me. I couldn't stand the distance when I was sick and needed to have an operation. I found out 5 years later that I was the third person.
2nd (Sept 1999) - I suspected that he had a thing with my friend, which later, after the breakup, was proved to be correct.
3rd (Aug 2000) - Distance. He was in the UK and I was in HK.
4th (time forgotten) - Just tired of the game he was playing.
5th (time forgotten) - I fell in love with a lunatic.
6th (time forgotten) - I liked someone else, plus I flirted with the partner of my best friend. I lost both a lover and a friend.
7th (time forgotten) - I felt like being single even when dating. He went to play at weekend while I managed my own activities.
8th (time forgotten) - Similar to the reason above (ie. the 7th). I was too demanding to him, perhaps.
9th (March[?] 2005) - Different logic. He couldn't see his own faults and I was the one, as he said, stirred up all the problems when there were no problems.
10th (Feb 2006) - He claimed that I said something that hurt him. I accused him of not calling me at all.

Reasons of falling in love with them:
1st - I liked him. First love. He comforted me when I was turned down by someone else he knew.
2nd - Too caring. He was simply there when I was cheated by someone he knew.
3rd - Loved him at the first sight.
4th - Loved him at the first sight. I knew him in a pub and ended up going to karaoke on the following day with him and his friends. I still remember the first song both of us sang.
5th - Talented and exotic and rich.
6th - He's cute and he had a car. All the things I dreamed of.
7th - He's cute and very tall. Energetic.
8th - With single eyelids. He just had the charm and sex appeal to me.
9th - Knew him for a long time before. I thought he's mature and down-to-earth. I knew him when I was about to have another operation in the hosptial where his dad stayed.
10th - He treated me very well. Once I saw him, I became free of worries.

(1) The reasons of breaking up become more and more trivial.
(2) The reasons I fell in love with people are more consistent than the those of breaking up.
(3) I have 10 partners since 1998 September. Do the maths: 10 is divided by 7.5 = 1.3333333333333333...... I spent 1.33333333333..... years with each of them on average. Of course, this figure is not true.
(4)Who do I still keep in touch? The 2nd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th. It seems that I am better with recent ex-es than ancient ones.
(5) Who can I really rely on? Perhaps only the 2nd one. Yes. I also feel disappointed.
(6) I am a slut.
(7) I should reserve more seats for my ex-es in my funeral, predicting that I will kill myself (as told my Paddy Ching) when I am between 56-60. By the formula above and assuming that I will die at 60 (which is year 2039), I will have had 55.999999999.... partners. To round off, it should be 56. I will ask my funeral coordinator to take this into record.
(8) My pallbearer list: 10 people as follows (if you see your name, don't be surprised. Just show up unless you die before me):
1. Glory Cheung (fag-hag)
2. Kyle Fung (2nd)
3. Charles Hui (life-time sister)
4. Joanne Cheung (ex-colleague at SJC)
5. Benny Wong (secondary school classmate in RC)
6. Adrian Chung (6th)
7. Atom Cheung
8. Tommy Lo
9. Joseph Wong (ex-colleague at SJC)
10. Can't come up with a name now!