Friday, June 08, 2007

<溏心風暴>第四十五集劇情 updated!

回家check friendster message,一名女子 send 了以下的 message 給我,唉,香港依家D女仔真係要學吓矝持,盲都望到我啲 friend 的男女比例係九比一啦:

Dear Nicholas,Nice to meet u. I’m Cecilia and live in Hong Kong , just a normal girl. My work about health and beauty, and my dream is in my 40 years old to be retired and like my friend travel the world (he already traveled around 1/4 earth).My English not well and can't from heart tell you more in here. Can we exchange tel no?Keep in touchCecilia

1. 四十歲便退休? Ok
2. 有仔又撩我
3. 仲要攞電話添!

近日瘋狂地覺得自已係編劇,連宣傳海報也請槍造埋,唏唏。加入了很多新角色,但 more is coming。

終於完成了Chapter One的 revision,14,054字。下一步的村上春樹的耳朵。


第四十四集溏心劇情已在我的yahoo blog 發表,關心頭家,請 click 本 blog 左上角的 yahoo hyperlink,欣賞第四十一至八十集劇情,添食還是腰斬則有待回應定斷。