Wednesday, July 04, 2007



問題來了,我們的社會文化形成的自我形象 (self-image) 就是要完全無窿,無缺口。有缺陷,就是不好,不對版,要填補。我沒有 ipod 嗎?買便有。沒有男友?化便有。沒有車,要努力揾錢,供到死都要衝大頭鬼。最好樣樣都和人一樣,和人看齊,這樣沒有欠缺,我便完美了。消費模式是這樣,談戀愛都是。一開始A方就希望B方為自己填窿窿,誰知B方給的總是 (正如黃霑所說) 方形「能」,乜閪都唔啱。談愛情和拍拖好煩,因為個個都被那個 perfect union and compatability 的 ideology 冲昏了頭腦,走進了怪圈。我們看到因性格不合的分開,便以為要完美配合 (perfect match) 才長久過來。缺憾不是彌補,而是盛載。

Woody Allen在 Husbands and Wives 中這樣寫過: 'Spencer was searching for a woman interested in golf, inorganic chemistry, outdoor sex and the music of Bach. In short he was looking for himself, only female' (quoted from Armstrong, 33)。要求對方填窿,這只會令對配合性的要求越來越高,倒頭來,幫你填了兩三次窿的也不勝負荷,填不了,於是便被判「我們不夾」的罪名。

John Armstrong 的 Conditions of Love 說:What I shall argue is that finding a good enough partner is no guarantee at all that love will flourish... The problem is not in finding the person but in finding the resources and capacities in onself to care for another person - to love them. Searching for the right 'object' diverts attention from finding the right attitude (35).

說來易,做便難,填窿就是 satisfying the lack,這在我們生活中時常出現:不能有太多空閒時間,不能在對任何東西無意見,户口裏不能無錢,不能無目標。性也是:vaginal sex,oral sex,anal sex,種種的 sexual modes 也是為填窿而行。

我不做Gym,任由心口的凹位張揚的說:這不是lack,也不用填補,缺憾也有它的美態,它的 pulchritude。