Thursday, February 12, 2009


V for...
1. very little time to rest and too much work
2. vendetta
3. virginia woolf, the terribly talented lesbian nutter
4. virginity that has been long lost
5. vivian siu, aka the cuntish stalker
6. vagina, the organ next to the pancreas in a female body (?)
7. varieties
8. vikki polard, yeah but no but yeah but no...
9. virtual sex, safe and sound
10. vicious cycle of sleeping late and not able to wake up early
11. viktor and rolf (are they a couple?)
12. voice
13. vulgarity, one of the founding stones of human civilization
14. vanity, that best describes me
15. van, usually mispronounced by HK people as 'wan'
16. Van Sant, Gus, my favourite director
17. vision, that I want to regain
18. versatility
19. verbal confrontation, that's what I do, most of the time or sometimes.
20. valentine, oh... is it the synonym of 'mother'? asked Freud.