Tuesday, June 20, 2006

ANG LEE and me

I can't believe that it is one the website: http://bc.cinema.com.hk/zh/focus.jsp

The first question was asked by me!! I was too nervous and mumbled a lot! Gosh! Who wouldn't be nervous when they had a chance to talk to such a big figure?

My question goes to Director Lee, I'm very interested in the process of adaptation, how do you manage to add so many details and so many colors to the story?
其實這是一個很漫長的過程,adaptation的第一步是Larry McMurtry做的,他是比原著作者名氣還要大的,寫西部的專家,小說裡有的他完全保存,女人的部份他加了很多新的戲,他把情節很出色的描出來,結構也把拉出來,拍的時候我有很多意見,所以我跟他們改寫,我跟著兩位大師學習,自己也做很多研究,到懷俄明那地方考察,與當地人談,學習牛仔的東西,對我幫助最大的除了他們以外,就是照片,還有文學方面;我最不要看的是西部片,因為對我來說是一種障礙…… 做這個片最有意思是它是一個“period piece in a timeless place”,在這個地方你好像看不到時間,外面的東西好像跟它沒多大關係,但它是一個period piece,一個古裝劇,這個東西很難把握。

I place the bet today. Waiting...