Thursday, March 13, 2008

不知道平時睇開我個blog嘅人仲有無keep住update,想分享一下近日閱讀中的一本小說,作者叫金原睛 (Hitomi Kanehara),書名叫Autofiction,即用fiction手法寫autobiography,我看的是英譯本,很淺易明,睇得好快,主角是一個超級paranoid同insecure的女作家,身為人妻,我在書中也看到一些自己的影子,第57及8頁其中有一部份說到:

Even the liveliest of conversations doesn't come close to the intimacy of physical contact. I'm a firm believer in touch. In fact, I would say that I have very little trust in sight, hearing and smell. The only thing that counts is what the skin feels. I would even go as far as to say that you can't really know someone if you haven't touched them. I feel I can only have a connection with people I've touched. I know this maybe seems like a harsh take on reality, but in the end, what the skin feels is the only thing that matters. No matter how much you love somene, that love will never really take on true meaning until you touch. Without that touch - a caress or sex - love is meaningless.


值得一提,金原睛今年8月才25歲,她11歲已退學,只是不斷寫故事給做編輯的爸爸看,04年出第一本小說 Snakes and Earrings,已獲得日本文學最崇高的Akutagawa Prize,多了不起。

P.S. 你好嗎?


Sandee said...

Not sure if I totally agree with the author...

On the flip side, physical contact doesn't mean love exist.

Its been verify by all many guy friends I've asked. =P haha

Nich said...

Yes, you're right to a certain extent. The touch couldn't really prove love exists. Sometimes, it could be misunderstood as lust. However, I believe that if love already exists, the touch could be the only means to verify its existence. The touch could make love and, therefore, us more existential.

Sandee said...

What if you have a person who doesn't believe in pre-marital sex?

I'm sure she'll still find true love.