Tuesday, November 27, 2007

臨行前,想post以下文章 (我親手打ga!),給大家思考一下:

From Fernado Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet, Entry 363

We cannot love, son. Love is the most carnal of illusions. Listen: to love is to possess. And what does a lover possess? The body? To possess it we would have to incorporate it, to eat it, to make its substance our own. And this possibility, were it possible, wouldn't last, becayse our body passes on and transforms, becayse we don't even possess our body (just the sensation of it), and because once the beloved body were possessed it would become ours and stop being other, and so love, with the disppearance of the other, would likewise disappear.

1 comment:

beingqw said...

(tears in my heart for i know love hurts
love doesn't choose
we do
love it is
whether or not
take it
leave it
done with it
flesh and blood we bond
love doesn't choose
we do
what we love
who we love
how we love
it's about ME
ME and ME
in ME we define love
we do
love it is
we declare
love on the other end
upon terms and condition
love it is
we discover
love without ME)