Saturday, September 08, 2007

走過時代廣場,大電視常常播着楊小姐那個 leung 到爆的「集體回憶」MV,有這樣的想法。歌詞是說社會裏某一些地方 (不單是景點和建築物) 能夠供給社會個體一個發生私事的空間,換句話說 collective memory 就是 private happenings at a public space。能夠蘊釀集體回憶的地方必定是歷史悠久。記憶是和速度有關,Milan Kudera 在小說 Slowness 說一些越慢的東西越容易讓人記住,當我看着那個 MV 時突然想起,時代廣場現址舊時是什麼來的?想了很久也想不透。眼看銅鑼灣到處都是莎莎和百老匯,真的很懷念三越的玩具部和日本餐廳以及舊大丸超市和燒墨魚丸。



leonlollipop said...

我也懷念三越和大丸的玩具部, 沒有那麼懷念松板屋因為他們只有"婦人服" ...

其實 ... 你也蠻需要莎莎的 ... 因為現在的我們不再需要玩具, 而變成需要面膜.

T said...

times sq was a tram depot before according to my mum

K. said...

Hey, I've also read some books by Milan Kundera--' The book of laughter and forgetting'

柯德莉audreyttt said...

i miz 松板屋 the most! coz i got my little twins star 娃娃屋 there! which was my favourite when i was small! there was a full display in 松板屋 where u can see many many sanrio 松板屋 ga!!!
n of coz i luv 莎莎 so much now, n actually everywhere selling beauty products - the tsq 莎莎 closes late so there's where u still can hang ard aft dinner!!!
- audreyyy