Sunday, September 23, 2007

曾執導 The Crying Game Breakfast on Pluto 的 Neil Jordon 新片 The Brave One,不同於一般的復仇片。雖然片尾還是能夠「以牙還牙」,但整個來說還是很具文學性。一開始便說 Jodie Foster 的角色是一個愛「行街」的DJ,此行街的意思不是 shopping,而是觀察城市的細微變更,是 defamiliarize the city space。一個女子在街上靜觀途人和城市的現象(法文叫 flaneur),已不是新。譬如說,Virginia Woolf 的散文 Street Haunting 就是以「行街」為主題。一步出街外,就是在某程度上和陌路人有了關係,片中主角遇襲的公園門外不是立了一個名為 'Strangers' Gate' 的牌扁麽?換句話說,一個走在紐約大街的女子 (法文叫passante)身份立即起了轉換,Virginia Woolf 也這樣說:

We are no long quite ourselves. As we step out of the house on a fine evening between four and siz we shed the self our friends know us by and become part of that vast republican army of anonymous trampers, whose society is so agreeable after the solitude of one's own room.

由家裏有人認得你到陌路人 (from known to unknown),由有身份變成無身份 (from identified to unidentified),由安全到危險 (from safety to danger),一個人在觀察周圍時,可能同時給在身邊的人視而不見 (你真的又會在地鐵裏留意坐在身邊的人麽?),又可能自己也被他人觀察了很久而毫不知情 (你唔望人又點知人望你?) ,這就是 'haunting' 的精要所在。

最後一提全片只有 Jodie Foster 的角色開了槍,十分具 phallic woman 的意味,而找一個 lesbian star去擔這角色則更為有趣。

1 comment:

柯德莉audreyttt said...

i love this movie. usually i wont really love movies which do not have a story i really like. it is the thing that was being talked about that i really liked. i have been thinking about this movie for days! its never easy in the recovering process and we are moving forward to be a different person while trying to cope with the who we were and with the now.
- audreyyy