Tuesday, May 08, 2007

很遲才起床,浪費了太陽。一開msn,見到有個自稱是vivian siu的朋友,block都block唔撤。天呀,近來究竟行什麼衰運?雙失兼潤月,就是潤多咗個癲婆,Vivian,真的,這世界多你一個唔多,少你一個則更和平,不如你去死吧。

另外,收到了以下email,Ok, I'll be there:

Dear Nicholas,

Although we have yet to receive your reply to our invitation, Dr Richards and I look forward to having you with us at the upcoming book launch. Moreover, we believe that your story, "Sucide with McDonald 'Suk Suk'", will no doubt be one of the most popular stories from this issue of YUAN YANG, we would therefore also like to invite you to read an excerpt of this story during the launch. We hope you could come and join us.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,

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