Tuesday, May 29, 2007

多謝 Leon 從英國幫我買了兩件寶物,一是 Billy Elliot Musical 的 Original Soundtrack。始終沒有機會親身看這表演,有張CD當是補償吧。另外是之前朋友介紹的書: Fernando Pessoa's The Book of Disquiet,書中有很多 entries ,全部都是關於 existentialism,所以矛盾得很,翻開自己生日的那個 entry (No. 23),是這樣的 (Is it very ME?):
Let's act like sphinxes, however falsely, until we reach the point of no longer knowing who we are. For we are, in fact, false sphinxes, with no idea of what we are in reality. The only way to be in agreement with life is to disagree with ourselves. Absurdity is divine.
Let's develop theories, patiently and honestly thinking them out, in order to promptly act against them - acting and justifying our actions with new theories that condemn them. Let's cut a path in life and then go immediately against that path. Let's adopt all the poses and gestures of something we aren't and don't wish to be, and don't even wish to be taken for being.
Let's buy books so as not to read them; let's go to concerts without caring to hear the music or to see who's there; let's take long walks because we're sick of walking; and let's spend whole days in the country, just because it bores us.


leonlollipop said...
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leonlollipop said...

有時咩都諗得咁複雜反而咪仲辛苦, 恭喜哂 ~