Sunday, August 13, 2006

After reading the following news, I can't help posting a new entry for two of my most hated artists in Hong Kong:

【東方日報專訊】關心妍(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(Jade)前晚和鄧麗欣(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(Stephy)為葉文輝(啤梨)的演唱會作綵排,Jade收到啤梨送的Melody卡通公仔睡衣,但她嫌款式太老土 (What a tasteless gift! But does that mean Jade doesn't think she's 老土????? She definitely is!!!!),Jade不諱言偏愛性感的透視喱士睡衣 (No, thanks. You can give it to yourself!!!!)更不介 意和啤梨十指緊扣唱情歌 (YUCK)

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