Tuesday, November 14, 2006

難道我走上露台賞燈 未察覺原來樓下有人
清高也有個價 唯有抽煙好

Monday, November 13, 2006

I was told to hold everything until 20 Nov. A few moments ago, when I was idling in the computer centre, I checked out Susan Miller again. She says:

"With many planets squaring off in fixed signs, every part of your life will require attention. Your boss, clients, family, or landlord, as well as your romantic partner will all want your primary attention."

I wish my boss could have said to me that she had read my stuff and would love to talk to me about it. Totally ZERO attention sought from any of the above, I'm such a transparent being in this world.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Post-Korean days
I have been back from my Korean trip for exactly one week today. My life underwent an unexpected change, which I could not foresee before I departed. I feel that my life is totally direction-less. October was a good month, which brought me so much good news about my work/studies. There were things I was occupied with and I worked on that towards some goals. Yet, after I've finished everything, I suddenly did not want plans anymore. No plans, no work, no class, no whatsoever. There are times I walk alone in the streets among the crowds, thinking where I should be heading. I figure out that my life is built up to a certain point, after which I am going nowhere. Pretty fucked up, reclusive life resumed.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

ARTS in Gwangju Biennale - This should be what happens in our West Kowloon. Screw capitalism.

Friday, November 03, 2006

APWN (Asian Pacific Writers' Network) - Special Edition on Hong Kong writings. Check out the following sites on my selections:


Also, check out the Leslie Cheung poem, which I think is poorly written. I have no idea why people are so obsessed with this woman named Agnes Lam. Everything just flows over the surface in her works. There's no space for imagination either. She tells you everything and she does it in the plainest and most straightforward manner as one can possibly do.

Coming back from the Korean trip, I gave myself at least a week of rest, by which I mean totally no plans, no unvoluntary work, no deadlines and simply live the day the way I want, with coffee and cigarettes.

The trip was rewarding. Earned some money, ate some good food and met plenty of good people, who, I feel, could influence my future a little bit.

I guess the rest is a bit like post-travel syndrome. I skipped some classes and seminar, including the one given by Lin Xi. I got an email asking me to go back in the workshop session, not because my assignment looked good, but just that he thinks everybody who has handed in their work deserves a chance to keep their seats in the course. This means basically that he has not really looked at all the assignment, nor spent the time screening the best 30 candidates. His laziness is a bit disappointment to me, yet also turning me into a lazy student for a week. Laziness is catagious, I conclude.

I managed to get the English version of Tao Te Ching from HMV. It's on my desk. No one knows when I will flip the pages, as usual.

Finally, thanks a lot, Jason, for going to Korea with me. Your companionship has made the trip more fascinating and funny. I hope you also gained what you intended there. Good luck with your PhD proposal. I always back you up!